The Farm

The Farm Illustration
I decided to draw a simple front view of a farm as a study for another illustration I was working on, and the thing kinda took on a life of its own!

Detail Shot 1

Detail Shot 2

Detail Shot 3
My process on these kinds of illustrations is very straightforward. I usually think about the piece for a bit, doing lots of sketches in my sketchbook so I can explore ideas, and toss out bad ones. Once I've drawn enough in the sketchbook, I hit the machine to knock out the digital pencils in Photoshop.
Once that's done, I add color flats and simplify shapes, add textures, and explore until I've found the illustration. This one came together fairly quick, and I was pleased with the results.

Digital Pencils
I added a greyscale version just because I thought it was a fun alternative to the Golden Hour colorscheme.

Greyscale... just because.