City of Boulder
One of my favorite projects this year happened to be for a city I can see from my backyard: The City of Boulder, through a Boulder firm, Room 214. I can't say enough good things about the experience I had working with Room 214 on this project. I think their professionalism and overall excitement for the project really helped us create what you see before you.
First up, here is the final illustration in all its glory! Keep in mind this illustration served as the background for an infographic which showcased the City of Boulder's Master Plan for their transportation system. This was actually printed as an 80+" banner and I heard it came out great (still haven't had a chance to see it in person).

Did you make it all the way down here? Lots of scrolling, eh? Worth it though, right? Right! Now lets get onto some process shots to show you how this behemoth was made!
When I got off the phone with Room 214 and had all the project details, I had a few days to think about the overall project before they sent me a boatload of reference materials as well as the basic layout of the infographic itself. I was so excited for this project, I decided to jump onto a quick sketch just to throw a few ideas down before we got started. I sent their team this sketch when I finished it and it ended up serving as the catalyst for excitement leading up to the kickoff.

Being the consummate professionals they are, Room 214 provided me all the materials I needed to move onto the more traditional sketches based off the project requirements. I developed 2 rough sketches and then sent them a tighter rendering of the Flatirons to help solidify the stylistic treatment and cast the overall vision for the rest of the project.

With the signoff on the style and the overall sketch to determine the layout, I set to work on the final illustration. As per my typical process, I worked in black and white values to establish strong shapes and a solid layout.

With the layout complete and the overall illustration approved, it was time to move to color. I provided 3 color options initially, though we ultimately developed a 4th which pushed away from the yellow which I typically use in my illustrations and more toward a Colorado Sky blue.
When it was all said and done, the solution was just right for Boulder's needs and it all came together through the joint effort of a resident Colorado agency, and native Colorado Illustrator.
Here are some up close shots as your reward for making it all the way down this monster post!