Banana Boat
Early in 2015, I had the distinct honor and privilege of working with the fine folks at JWT on "The Great Big Family Reunion" campaign for Banana Boat. The project was so much fun and entailed a banana boat load of work, ranging from a fully illustrated website, 20+ custom characters, and 75+ spot illustrations which would be animated by Transistor Studios. So if its been quiet around here for the last few months, now you know why!
Because of the volume of work produced for this project, I won't be able to give a step by step breakdown of my process. However, in place of the process, you'll get to see lots of fun illustrations I worked on with a great client. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it!
The Great Big Family Reunion Website
Working on the website for this campaign was a lot of fun. The idea was to create a single, stretching scene which users would transition from a fun day at the beach to an afternoon in the backyard simply by scrolling. Working on these kinds of sites is always a great joy for me because it lets me work in a unified palette and story tell using the strengths of the web medium.

Here are the rough thumbnail sketches I did to quickly get the idea down on paper.

In addition to website, I was able to design 20 characters which would be used throughout the site and animated spots. I really enjoyed designing these characters and am pleased with how they came out.

And here's a more detailed look at the characters:

Content Videos
The last step of this campaign was to illustration over 75 spot illustrations which would be used in the content videos animated by Transistor Studios. Check out the videos here. These kinds of spot illustrations can be a lot of fun, and even though the turnaround time was quick (4-5 days!), I'm happy with the results.

Big thanks to the folks at JWT, especially Jordan Young and Treviana Delmastro, as well as Banana Boat for being such an amazing client. Also, thanks to my agents Deborah Wolfe and Lisa Pomerantz for all their help, knowledge, and encouragement, without which, I wouldn't be able to take on big fun projects like this. It was such a fun project to bring life to and I am humbled and thankful for the opportunity.
Thanks for watching!